CROSSROADS (from the series of work I didn’t hear you leave)

There’s an impressive silence in abandoned spaces.

The image “crossroads” documents a space where, in my time at Building One, students from different specialisations crossed paths. A space for movement of students and faculty between lectures, many glancing in curiosity at the famed haunted chapel – the door found here open and documents strewn before it.

Prior to its life in education, this building has been known as the Carrington Psychiatric Hospital or Whau Lunatic Asylum. The walls are etched and thick and a heavy energy still waits in the halls and behind some doors.

Hopefully we will see this building continue to find a brighter future from the dark history and brutal treatments, through to the laughter and creativity of the design schools, there is talk again for these spaces to re-emerge as a centre for arts, music and education.



Born into two nationalities, Jessica knows the beauty and extremes of both Canada and New Zealand. A life of travelling between the two and much further abroad has her in new places often, meeting incredible people and their cultures along the way.

She fell in love with the darkroom years ago exploring the alchemy of light and silver with patience and curiosity. After a degree in Architecture she returned to working with images and couldn’t be happier. Inspired by the creatives she meets Jessica is spoilt for company and motivated everyday.

Jessica strives to capture moments of beauty and curious happenings in the hope to share that same instance with a viewer. Her attention is captured by history, architecture, scale and the quiet spaces in-between.