My project 'Blurred lines' is about the fluidity of identity and the relationship between gender and society. The project questions the rigid societal constructs we are born into, that are handed down and placed upon us. We in turn place these constructs upon on ourselves and project them onto others. My intention is to create work that facilitates intimacy and encourages empathy, understanding and critical conversations about identity. 

My subject, Salome, identifies as non-binary and I wanted to photograph them soaking in vibrant colours with the line of light being distorted by their figure. A reminder that our bodies are merely a vessel for our ever-evolving souls. 

"Everything we have today, every right and every political change is because of the work of Trans or Gender nonconforming people, queer BIPOC, and queer sex workers through history" - Salome



Sacha Stejko creates beautifully observed, insightful portraits that delve deep into the stories of her characters. Stylistically versatile, Sacha’s commercial work ranges from artful visual storytelling to raw explosive action. Her approach conveys an appetite for colourful life experiences: from the determination and intensity of a teenager putting everything on the line for a chance to represent their country, to the sensitive capture of a deeply emotional portrait, or the visceral tension of a commonwealth boxer preparing for the fight of his life.

Having captured stills imagery for international brands such as Adidas, Audi, Colgate-Palmolive,Fonterra, Standard Chartered Bank, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Spark and Bio Oil. This multi scholarship and award winning photographer approaches each shoot with a considered, passionate eye to each campaign.